Sahabat Kapas is a nonprofit NGO located in Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia working on the issue of child protection, especially child in conflict with the law. We provide psychosocial support program including psychological assistance, self-development activities, skill training and reintegration support.


With the unwavering support from all parties, for 10 years Sahabat Kapas has been providing both direct and indirect services for child in conflict with the law. We are currently operating in four locations including public penitentiary, detention centers and youth correctional facilities in Central Java, Indonesia.

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Child in Conflict with the Law

We believe, together we can make more children look at the future with confidence.

Rehabilitation Program for Incarcerated Child

Sahabat Kapas provides services for juvenile offenders in Wonogiri Detention Center, Surakarta Detention Center, Klaten Correctional and Kutoarjo Youth Correctional Facility. We provide counselling sessions, creative self- development activities, skill training and support juvenile reintegration into the society.

Onjel Program

“ONJEL” program is a fundraising program as well as the product’s brand managed by Sahabat Kapas. It aims to increase the support for ex- youth offenders in an entrepreneurship framework while campaigning the child protection issues through creative means. This program encompasses several sub-programs such as #GerobakOnjel (Coffee Cart), #PawonOnjel (Beverages Production) and #LemariOnjel (Clothing Line) that respectively sells coffee products and its variant, ginger syrup, T-shirt, pouch and another creative product. The profit of the sales goes straight to support our programs.

Reintegration Program

Reintegration program starts a month or two prior to juvenile release and are expected to end months after their release depends on the evaluation. It focuses on assisting the child to regroup with their family, preparing the family and their closes environment to welcome the child, and facilitating the child so they can access the available opportunity including education, skill training and job vacation.

Child’s Rights Promotion Program

This program highlights the importance of the prevention endeavor by supporting the child-friendly system within society and promoting the child’s rights in various means. This program covers Community School, Child’s Rights Campaign, End Bullying Campaign, and Socialization about Anti- Violence Towards Children.

For every good deed, there will always be good people who are ready to support.


Every cent of your donation matters. Your donation goes straight foward our programs.



Get our high-quality products and become a part of our empowerment efforts.



We welcome any opportunity to collaborate and partner with in order to create better changes for children.


Thank you for all partners and supporters