Sahabat Kapas and members of Women Empowerment and Child Protection Institution from Wonogiri Regency arrived at 09.30 WIB. That day (5/11), we visited one of the primary schools in Wonogiri District to provide psychosocial assistance and assertive training for children victims of sexual violence. In accordance with the information we obtained from Women Empowerment and Child Protection Institution of Wonogiri, Continue reading “Psychosocial Assistance & Assertive Training for Children Victims of Sexual Violence”
Echoing the Importance of The Psycho-social Approach to Child Conflict with The Law (AKH) to Makassar
Sahabat Kapas had the opportunity to participate in two activities related to the issue of child conflict with the law (AKH) at the end of November 2017 in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Representing Sahabat Kapas, Dian Sasmita as Director of Sahabat Kapas was one of the speakers at the workshop on “Development of Integrated Special Protection Services for Children (PKA) in Class II Maros Prison” organized by the Institution of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (Dinas PPPA) of South Sulawesi Province. In addition, in Makassar, Sahabat Kapas also attended capacity building on the AKH Reintegration Handbook for Service Providers organized by the BaKti Foundation and UNICEF Indonesia.
Not Only Debriefing Skills
On the occasion of speaking in front of policy makers and child service providers in Makassar, Dian explained the certain practice of Sahabat Kapas which had been implemented in four locations in detention centers / prisons / LPKA (Especial Prison for Adolescence) in Central Java. During the seven years accompanying children facing the law, Dian saw that the current trend of child assistance was more focused on training in economic value skills. This is done with the hope that children have the provision of skills that will help the reintegration process in the community and can be used to improve the economic quality of children. However, there are many cases where children continue to carry out post-free recidivism actions even though they have been provided with skills.
From more in-depth experience and observations, Sahabat Kapas saw a lack of a portion of the child’s psychological recovery in prison / remand center / LPKA. The majority of children who break the law are those who have a family dysfunction background. Many of AKH live and grow in a harsh and minimal loving environment so they finally make the wrong choice. The psychological condition of the injured child is what actually triggers the child’s actions to deviate from legal norms and society. However, in the context of child rehabilitation, the implementation shows that only a few service providers which intervene in children’s psychological (psychological) injury problems. In fact, these children have lost a lot of affection from the closest people, so that children feel strange with positive values and norms that apply in society.
Considering the situation, since the end of 2015, Sahabat Kapas enforced children mentoring through a psychosocial approach, such giving a greater portion to psychological recovery and improving psychosocial skills in children. For more than two years running, there have been many positive results that can be seen in assisted children, such as positive changes in children’s behavior and children’s readiness to return to society (resilience).
Touching Heart with Heart
Interacting directly with child protection service providers in Makassar, Dian also underlined the importance of working with the best interests for children principle by excluded the sector egos. Service providers have a vital role to build a comprehensive child protection system. With the existence of a strong service system and supplementary guidebook, it is hoped that these children can recover and return as good members of society. However, by the bureaucratic and procedural aspects, there are things that are more important and must be safeguarded by the child companions, it is the health of heart. Dian said that working in child protection is not only the work of the bureaucracy but the work of the heart.
To change a child’s behavior, we must touch their hearts, and to touch their heart can only be done by also heart.
While in Makassar, Dian and Evi Baiturohmah as the AKH Sahabat Kapas Rehabilitation Program Managers also had the opportunity to meet and interact directly with children in the Class II Maros Prison while visiting the services which available there. The problem encountered in the Maros prison was not much different from the prison / remand center / LPKA problem in Central Java, such as many children were far from family. Children who are forced to live in Maros Prison and come from very far areas often do not get parents’ visits for one reason or another. In fact, parents are a vital factor in children’s rehabilitation efforts.
The condition of children who far away from their parents is a challenge for service providers both from the government and the private sector to provide appropriate interventions. Psychosocial approaches will be an effective step to restore their psychological burden. Psychosocial approaches can be done by providing assistance through sustainable counseling and creative group activities to increase children’s resilience.
Slithers of Jail Bars
In the corner of Kutoarjo Jail (for adolescent) hall, it looks like plastic box is not too big. From the outside, it could be vaguely seen that the contents were not too full. Maybe only half, it could be less.
Some people around him may not know what the box contains. Unless they want to swing open the lid and take the time to look briefly into the box. In fact, it could be, because it has never been touched, above the box is often stuffed with various objects. Makes it more squashed and invisible.
That’s how sometimes the condition of plastic boxes for book containers we deliberately left in LPKA, jails, and prisons. The books that we left there— so that children in prison could borrow it freely and interested to read — takes little longer to meet their readers.
Not always successful indeed, often children say that the book is not interesting, boring, or most often they are unwilling to read because of lazy feelings hanging. Nevertheless, we are not afraid to continue to bring new books. Almost every two weeks, when we visit prison, we changed the books. Replaced it from one prison to another. Therefore, this program we named the Muter Book (Rotating Books).
Full of Constraints at First
The rotation of our books do not always go smoothly. At first, when we took the reading books to the prison, the officers insisted that the books be brought back, “Don’t leave it here, it will disappear then,” they said worriedly. The officers simply cannot guarantee that the books we carry will remain intact, worried that the book will be damaged, untreated, and even disappear. As has been possibly happen in prisons.
We cannot blame the officers for this. Instead, we were grateful for the attention given to us, but our determination was unanimous, the books we didn’t bring were only to be brought back home. From the beginning we have intended ourselves, we will keep the books so that the target children can get alternative activities and have access to reading books.
Afterwards, with alternative ways we assured the officers when children are given trust, caring for books for example, they take that responsibility. We give them this responsibility to care for and maintain the books. Some are in charge of recording loans, collecting returns, tidying up books, and so on. With that, we teach how to be responsible and give them the opportunity to prove themselves that they could be trusted.
And yes, it’s not as easy as imagined! There are just books whose pages are torn, full with scribbles, even can’t be traced again. We understood that it will be happen, and what we have to do is once again put our trust in them that they could be given responsibilities. Afterwards, the books disappeared by themselves, the book was no longer filled with scribbles, even though one or two books were shabby and torn on several pages. But we are actually glad, meaning that the books no longer sit quietly, but slowly turn to meet their readers. Instead, we were moved, gradually and with a long process, the children began to read the books we were carrying. At least these books can accompany them to killing time.
Why should read?
The days when their prison lives are not always colored. Sometimes, they even just have to keep doing one thing over and over again. Apart from being bored, children will also be attacked by confusion about what they have to do to make time. In fact, adolescence, they must continue to develop their learning ability and their creativity. Children should sustainable receive knowledge and literacy support.
Childhood and adolescence is when cognitive and memory conditions develop. By providing access to reading, we hope to instill new habits to them so later they could continue this habit after free from prison. Thankfully if they can fall in love with books and spread ‘the virus’ to others. We hope so.
By reading books, we hope they would be entertained, can be inspired, and being open-minded about various things. We could not continue to accompany them, we only did mentor activities in limited time. But we hope the existing books can represent us to accompany their days. Even though we have to limit the walls of the prison, we hope they can ‘travel everywhere’ by reading a book. We remember that Bung Hatta once said, “I am willing to be imprisoned as long as I am with a book, because with book, I am free.”
Keep Rotating
We are now continuing to stretch this path, continuing to transmit ‘reading virus’ while hoping for support from any parties. Since 2014, when the Rotating Book was officially formed, we were given a lot of support, both from inside and outside the prison. Our literacy program was fully support by Mr. Eko Bekti Susanto, who fiercely fought for the establishment of a library in Klaten Class IIB Prison.
With the spirit of literacy, Mr. Eko, as a Chief he did advocacy to many parties to support his idea of establishing libraries in prisons. The tit for tat, Mr. Eko’s idea received a positive response, donations in the form of books were obtained from various parties, including from the general public. Now, the inmates in Klaten Class IIB Prison can fill their activities by reading books in the library.
Indonesian Government through the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) also gave a positive signal about the literacy movement from inside the prison. Kemenkumham is working on a literacy remission program that adapts Brazil’s rules about providing incentives to prisoners who like to read books. In Brazil, those who succeed in completing reading a book will receive a 4-day sentence. Within a year, if they can complete 12 books, they can be free 48 days ahead of their detention period.
Uniquely, the system, which came into effect in 2012, is not just asking prisoners to read, but also writing reviews of the books. The officers will assess their writing to decide on a reduction in the sentence. The program entitled “Redemption Through Reading” wants prisoners not only to spend time contemplating their mistakes, but also to bring good habits after free. Peter Murphy, who wrote for, interviewed Andre Kehdi, a lawyer who heads a book donation project for prisons in Brazil. Kehdi said, “(By reading) someone will leave the prison with enlightenment and a broader view of the world.”
The system applied by Brazil is a creative way of transmitting reading viruses, especially for those who are forced to live in prisons with limited activity. The effort to grow the fondness for reading certainly requires a long and winding process. The process that is running may also be circling, like the books we put in on each encounter with the children in prison. However, once again, we believe good things will always meet their path. Like our books, which finally slither between Jail Bars and in the hearts of children.
#PawonOnjel and #GerobakOnjel Ready to Launched
Sahabat Kapas is ready with a new breakthrough. Kapas now has a new business unit called #GerobakOnjel and #PawonOnjel. #GerobakOnjel Kapas adapted the mobile coffee business model by utilizing carts. Partnering with Kayuhan Amal (Kamal), #GerobakOnjel is ready to go around and greet coffee lovers at various events in Solo and surrounding areas. In the near future, we will also officially launch #GerobakOnjel in the canteen of the ISI Surakarta Campus, Mojosongo, Surakarta.
In addition to coffee carts, we are now also in the process of pioneering #PawonOnjel. This business unit is a kitchen for food and beverage production which is marketed online and directly. For now, #PawonOnjel launches a product in the form of ginger syrup. For ginger syrup, we sell for IDR 25,000 for glass bottles (300 ml) and IDR 35,000 for small jerry cans (500 ml).
All of these business units involve post-adolescent teenagers and / or teenagers dropping out of school. They are involved as cart operators and kitchens. Uniquely, these children are not just running a business. They involved also received psychosocial assistance to support their confidence and resilience. In addition, these efforts will put the post-respiratory youth as partners. They can run a business independently (without assistances from Sahabat Kapas) when they are mentally ready and also their entrepreneurial abilities.
The benefits of selling #GerobakOnjel and #PawonOnjel products are used to fully provide a second chance for post-adolescent teenagers. Let’s enjoy the warmth of a glass of coffee or ginger syrup, while giving warm hugs and smiles to our children.
For order
information please call Dian (+628562810170)