In the corner of the hall of the Kutoarjo LPKA, it looks like the plastic box is not too big. From the outside, it could be vaguely seen that the contents were not too full. Maybe only half, it could be less.
Some people around him may not know what the box contains. Unless they want to swing open the lid and take the time to look briefly into the box. In fact, it could be, because it has never been touched, above the box is often stuffed with various objects. Makes it more squashed and invisible.
That’s how sometimes the condition of plastic boxes for book containers we deliberately live in LPKA, remand centers, and prisons. The books that we live — so that children in prison are free to borrow and are interested in taking the time to read — it takes longer to meet their readers.
Not always successful indeed, often children say that the book is not interesting, boring, or most often they are unwilling to read because of lazy feelings hanging. Nevertheless, we are not afraid to continue to bring new books. Almost every two weeks, when we visit prison, our books are replaced with new titles. Turn it from one prison to another. Therefore, this program we named the Muter Book (rotating).